2nd IndOOS Review Workshop took place in Jakarta
The 2nd Indian Ocean Observing System (ndOOS) Review Workshop took place on March 22 and 23, 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia. There were 45 participants, including a Review Board of six, lead authors, IORP and SIBER members, and local observers. All 25 chapters of the review were presented and discussed, with most speakers including a response to the comments provided prior to the meeting by the review board. The meting concluded with breakout group discussions to prioritize the actionable recommendations for IndOOS, breakout group reporting, and laying out of the next steps to complete the IndOOS decadal review.
Actionable recommendations were prioritized as Tier 1 (High priority), Tier 2 (Desirable) or Tier 3 (Lowest priority), taking into account the following considerations, as recommended by the Review Board: Does the actionable recommendation (1) provide sustained observations to characterise and advance our understanding of the key phenomena; (2) provide data to evaluate, validate, and initialise climate predictions and forecasting; (3) support integration of satellite and in situ observations including calibration and validation; and (4) to provide observations to track the evolving state of the ocean.
The IndOOS Decadal Review in planned to be released in final form early 2019.
Workshop sponsors: