ACSIS – OSNAP – RAPID Joint Science Meeting
This meeting will explore change and variability in the North Atlantic climate system (atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere), on time scales from days to decades, bringing together the UK ACSIS, OSNAP, RAPID and the wider community. All aspects of the climate system (physical, chemical and biogeochemical) will be considered, as will both observational and modelling studies. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the Atlantic jet stream are key features of the North Atlantic climate system and will provide an important focus for the meeting.
The meeting aims to assess our current knowledge and understanding and discuss issues such as predictability and broader impacts of the changes that are occurring and that may occur in the future. Novel observational approaches, leading to more sustainable future observing systems, will also be included. The meeting is open to anyone carrying out research on the North Atlantic climate system, and specifically to researchers in the ACSIS, OSNAP and RAPID programmes.
The ACSIS, OSNAP and RAPID programmes are exploring complementary aspects of the North Atlantic climate system and this meeting will enable the different insights being obtained to be shared and synthesised.