12th WGOMD Meeting

Thursday, April 10, 2014 to Friday, April 11, 2014
Event City: 
Event Attendance: 
Event Contact: 
Anna Pirani
Event Description: 

Kiel, Germany

10-11 April 2014

12th Session of WGOMD

Thursday, April 10, 2014 to Friday, April 11, 2014
Event City: 
Event Attendance: 
Event Contact: 
Anna Pirani
Event Description: 

Kiel, Germany

10-11 April 2014

Draft Agenda

Thursday 10th April

Morning (08:30-12:30) 

1. Outcomes and recommendations of High Resolution workshop (A. M. Treguier. K. Bryan)

2. CORE-II papers status and updates

- G. Danabasoglu: Atlantic variability + Pacific
- S. Griffies: SSH and Indian Ocean
- R. Farneti (remote) and S. Marsland: Southern Ocean papers
- H. Drange: Arctic
- R. Farneti (remote) and A. M. Treguier: South Atlantic
- G. Nurser: Overturning in T & S space

Afternoon (13:30-18:00)

3. CORE-II protocol

a. Modifications introduced by some groups: discussion of reasons for these modifications.. (C. Böning, G. Nurser, and E. Chassignet)

b. CORE-II as a "MIP" in CMIP (G. Danabasoglu)

- implications,
- forcing data set updates and maintenance,
- output data sets,
- protocol,
- etc.

c. Ocean data sets in CMIP: native grid, but a few on "standard" regular lon-lat grid. Units for temperature field: C or K ? What precision is sufficient for model output diagnostics: single or double? (G. Danabasoglu)

4. Discussion of wind and water protocol for Southern Ocean MIP, based on input from the Southern Ocean panel (S. Griffies)

5. CVMix as a prototype for a common code shared across ocean models (S. Griffies)

Friday 11th April
Morning (08:30-12:30)

6. CLIVAR and WGOMD (A. Pirani and G. Danabasoglu)

- Interactions with other CLIVAR panels (GSOP, basin panels, WCRP modeling WGs), research foci (sea level, decadal, heat uptake, upwelling) and preparing for pan-CLIVAR
- WGOMD: working group vs. panel
- SSG Action items

7. New COREs and future directions (leading and addressing CLIVAR science)

Afternoon (13:30-17:00)

8. Planning for next meeting, workshop, summer school

9. WGOMD business (membership)


The WGOMD meeting will take place at GEOMAR (West Shore Building, Large Conference Room; just a 5 min walk from the Steigenberger. We plan to have lunch outside GEOMAR, at a cafe at the waterfront, a 5-8 min walk.


WGOMD members

G. Danabasoglu (co-chair), NCAR, USA
E. Curchister, Rutgers University, USA
M. Winton, GFDL, USA
S. Marsland, CSIRO/CAWCR, Australia
Y. Komuro, JAMSTEC, Japan
S. Masina, CMCC, Italy
G. Nurser, NOC, UK
A. Oschlies, GEOMAR, Germany
H. Johnson, U. Oxford, UK (remote)

A. Pirani, CLIVAR, Italy

Absent: D. Holland, Courant Institute, USA, H. Drange (co-Chair), Univeristy of Bergen, Norway

Invited guests:

C. Böning, GEOMAR, Germany
A. M. Treguier, IFREMER, France
E. Chassignet, FSU, USA
M. Balmaseda, ECMWF, USA
S. Griffies, GFDL, USA
M. Bentsen, U. Bergen, Norway
S. Danilov, AWI, Germany
R. Farneti, ICTP, Italy (remote)
H. Tsujino, MRI JMA, Japan
K. Bryan, NCAR, USA
P. Spence, UNSW, Australia