IORP-19 Agenda
19th Session of CLIVAR/IOC/GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel & IORP/SIBER Joint Sessions
Draft Agenda
Part 1: Joint IORP/SIBER Plenary Session (09:00 - 10:30, GMT+8)
Time |
Agenda Item |
9:00-10:30 Shikha Singh (chair) |
Plenary session (15 mins talk each + 30 mins discussion)
Discussion |
Part 2: IORP Panel Business (11:00 - 12:30, 13:30 - 15:00, GMT +8)
Time |
Agenda Item |
11:00 - 11:05 |
Quick introduction to IORP (Roxy’s talk!) Welcome new members and new co-chair. (Juliet) |
OPEN SESSION 11:05-11:45 Marie- Alexandrine (chair) |
Session 1: Scientific talks (template) and IORP science priorities (10 mins * 3 talks + 10 mins discussion, ~40 mins)
Discussion (new direction for scientific research). |
11:45 - 12:30 Sunghyun (chair) |
Session 2a: Updates on IndOOS-2 and key activities (10 mins each + 5 min discussion)
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30-14:00 INVITE SIBER Dwi (chair) |
Session 2b: Updates on IndOOS-2 and key activities (10 mins each and 5 min discussion)
14:00-14:30 Motoki (chair) |
Session 3: Updates from IORP co-chairs (20 mins)
Discussion (10 mins) |
14:30-14:55 Pattabhi (chair) |
Session 4: Updates on IndOOS-2 and key activities continued (NB some items such as ECR and MHW will be presented in the joint SIBER session
14:55-15:00 |
Wrap up. Consolidate action items (5 mins)
*A tribute to Wil de Ruijter.
Part 3: IORP and SIBER Joint Discussion
15:30-17:00 8 February 2023, Perth, Australia and hybrid
Time | Agenda items |
15:30-15:40 | Brief round table (Raleigh and Greg and Juliet and Janet and Roxy) |
15:40-16:00 |
Agenda 1: Updates of joint activities |
16:00-16:20 |
Agenda 2: Updates from IORP of interest to SIBER |
1620:1650 |
Agenda 3: Future of IMBeR SIBER and plan beyond 2025 |
16:50:17:00 |
Wrap up |