
We have compiled a list of CLIVAR-relevant meetings and workshops and their status as the fast-changing situation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the governmental, organizational, and personal decisions are affecting...

Due to the current global COVID-19 pandemic, the 16th Session of CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel Meeting (IORP-16), which was originally planned in Goa, India, was organised online on 24 March 2020 (same day as the original...

The WCRP Grand Challenge on Regional Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts is now coordinating a specific research topic on ‘...


Scientists begin conference on sea level change, starting with the past and working towards the future



Understanding today’s sea level: trends, amplitude, and new approaches

Benoit Messignac highlightsThe second day of the conference was dedicated to presentations...


Risk, adaptation strategies, and stakeholder needs for coastal zone management

Sanne MuisHalfway through the conference, day three brought a series of...

The dynamics of sea level rise today and into the future


The conference rolled into the fourth day wrapping up the contemporary sea level presentations and beginning to address future...


Investing in the future of sea level rise: lessons, progress, and new ideas

On the fifth day, conference participants — filled with four days of fascinating,...

The spatial resolution of different components is essential in climate model design. This decade the powerful computing efforts have made the mesoscale-rich resolution affordable in the ocean and sea-ice models over most of the earth, which allows the ocean model to simulate more intense internal variability. Under this new regime of coupled modeling, to understand both the behavior of ocean...


The Sixth International Conference on Climate Services (ICCS-6) was held in Pune, India, on the campus of the Indian Institute for Tropical Meteorology (IITM), February 11-13, 2020. Ten years after the third World Climate Conference launched the Global Framework for Climate Services, ICCS-6 provided an opportunity to reflect on the...

The ‘Climate Predictability and Inter-Regional Linkages Pune Stakeholder Event: Paleo/present/future monsoon variability and implications for environment, policy and society’, which will be organised from 18-20 March 2020 at Pune, India, has recently been endorsed by CLIVAR SSG. The workshop aims to bring researchers and stakeholders from academic and non-academic...


CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP) members organized a Town Hall at the AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Diego. The Town Hall aimed to spread the word about the outcomes of a recent...

Figure 1: Annual mean transport across the equator from MOM, MOM025, KIEL, KIEL025, all model ensemble and ORAS4. Units are in m2/s.

Although the increasing availability of observational data in Indian Ocean under the Indian Ocean observing system IndOOS program , a comprehensive analysis of the basin-...

The 78th issue of CLIVAR Exchanges has been published, focusing on the recent decadal review of the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS) and its outcomes. Dr Lisan Yu from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and member of the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian...

WCRP is currently inviting self-nominations from highly enthusiastic and dedicated experts for membership of the following groups:
