Prof. Detlef STAMMER will rotate off from the CLIVAR SSG Co-chair and join the Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) of WCRP in 2019

Professor Detlef Stammer will end his term of CLIVAR SSG Co-chair on December 31, 2018; He  will continue to contribute his expertise and leadership on Ocean and Climate research as WCRP JSC member in 2019  and as Co-chair of The WCRP Grand Challenge (GC) on Regional Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts.

CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group held its 24th session in Washington DC, US

The 24th Session of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group was hosted by US CLIVAR from Nov.27 to Nov. 29, 2018 in Washington D.C.

This session brought together the CLIVAR leadership, i.e SSG members and co-chairs of CLIVAR panels and Research Foci (RF), and was also attended by invited representatives from sponsors, partnership projects and organizations around the globe, including US CLIVAR, WCRP, IOC, CliC, SPARC,GEWEX and CORDEX.
