Staff Scientist of CLIVAR ICPO attended the 2018 China SCOR Annual Meeting

Liping Yin, Staff Scientist of the ICPO, attended the 2018 China Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) annual meeting, which was organized by the secretariat of China SCOR and co-organized by Zhejiang University as well as Zhejiang Ocean University, on 27-28 December 2018 at Zhejiang University.

Enabling Regional to Local Predictions in Support of Reliable Climate Information is key in the Post COP21 World of Transient Climate Change

The scientific challenge is extreme due to the rich complexity of interactions and feedbacks between regional and global processes, each of which affects the global climate trajectory. Technical development, international coordination, and a close interaction between the science and stakeholder communities are also required.

Collected forecasts of the austral summer 2018- 2019 sea-ice in the Southern Ocean was released by SIPN-SOUTH

Recently, the Sea Ice Prediction Network-SOUTH (SIPN-South) project has collected seasonal forecasts of Antarctic sea ice aligned with the Year Of Polar Prediction Special Observing Period (austral summer 2018-2019).

Executive Director of the ICPO attended the UN Regional Workshop for the South Pacific

Jose Santos, Executive Director of the ICPO attended the Regional Workshop for the South Pacific held in Guayaquil, Ecuador (17-18 December 2018), organized under the auspices of the United Nations, in coordination with the secretariat of the Regular Process, represented by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations and with the assistance of members of the Group of Experts and Pool of Experts.
