Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022

This year’s theme emphasizes the importance of working together.

“Come Together and Connect,” focuses on strengthening the ocean sciences community through discussing both basic and applied research while making scientific and social connections.

CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel organized the fifth telecon in 2021

The fifth regular telecon in 2021 of CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel (SORP) was held at 7th July.

During the telecon, the SOOS liaison, the activity updates, the Southern Ocean UN Decade, and the 14th session of SORP panel were discussed. The main outcomes are as follows:

Model bias correction for reliable projection of extreme El Niño frequency change

According to the original projection of CMIP5 models, the extreme El Niño would increase twice in the future. By removing the net impacts from the models’ 13 systematic biases, Prof. Luo and his research team (Tang et al., 2021) found that the extreme El Niño frequency would remain almost unchanged in the future.
