SCAR 2022 Open Science Conference and Meetings - date to be confirmed

SCAR 2022 Open Science Conference and Meetings - date to be confirmed

The SCAR Open Science Conferences are held every two years to draw attention to Antarctic issues. They provide an opportunity for scientists from a variety of disciplines and countries to present their work, to network and become more involved in SCAR science activities.

The 2022 SCAR Open Science Conference and Business Meetings will be held in Hyderabad, India in mid 2022. 

Changing El Niño–Southern Oscillation in a warming climate

A recent synthesis in Nature Review Earth and Environment led by the CLIVAR community and in particular the CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel (Cai et al., 2021, assesses the potential future changes of multiple aspects of ENSO and the underlying processes behind such changes. 
