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Climate and Ocean – Variability, Predictability and Change Science Plan and Implementation Strategy

This second-generation CLIVAR Science Plan builds on the important legacy of CLIVAR emerging since its inception in 1992 and redirects the CLIVAR goals and priorities for the coming decade after consultation with scientists and stakeholders throughout the climate community

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David Carlson Appointed Director of WCRP Joint Planning Staff

WCRP Sponsors are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. David Carlson as Director of the Joint Planning Staff. Dr. Carlson devoted the majority of his career in coordinating international science. He was the Director of the International Project Office for TOGA in the 90' and of the International Polar Year more recently. The JPS is looking forward to working with him starting from June 2014.


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Griffies receives the 2014 EGU Fridtjof Nansen Medal

We are very proud and happy to announce that Stephen Griffies (NOAA/GFDL), SSG member and former long term WGOMD member and Chair, has been awarded the 2014 EGU Fridtjof Nansen Medal for his outstanding contribution and leadership in ocean general circulation model development and critical insights in the physical nature and parameterisation of ocean processes.


International Ocean Research Conference “One Planet One Ocean”

The 2nd International Ocean Research Conference (IORC) will be held next 17-21 November 2014 in Barcelona (Spain). This Conference  is an opportunity for the scientific community to come together to plan the coming decade of international collaboration in marine science and technology, with a view to improving ocean governance.

WCRP and FIO/SOA sign agreement to host the ICGPO

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) has set a new milestone by establishing the International CLIVAR Global Project Office (ICGPO) at the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) of the State Oceanographic Administration (SOA) in the lovely seaside city of Qingdao, China.   This is the first time China hosts a WCRP international project office.

Live stream of the WGOMD Workshop on Ocean Climate High Resolution Modelling

The WGOMD Workshop on Ocean Climate High Resolution Modelling, which is taking place in Kiel, Germany next Monday to Wednesday, 7-9 April will be live streamed via mms://

Please visit the workshop website for more information and to see the latest version of the agenda:

LAC Conference Highlights

About 220 scientists attended the WCRP Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (WCRP-LAC) in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 17-21 March 2014. The subtitle of the conference "Developing, Linking and Applying Climate Knowledge" was suggested to emphasize the main goal of this event that is to define the research agenda needed to contribute to the provision of effective climate services in the LAC region...

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