Nansen Tutu Center Summer School success

Thirty two students from Angola, Namibia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Republic Democratic of Congo, South Africa, Norway, Germany, China, France, Spain and Netherland attended the Nansen Tutu Summer School on Ocean, Climate and Marine Ecosystem, hosted by the hosted by the Nansen Tutu Center for Marine Environmental Research, was held at University of Cape Town on 1st-8th December 2014.

1st WCRP Summer School on Climate Model Development

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), Max-Planck-Institute für Meteorologie (MPI-M), and Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research are pleased to announce the 1st  Summer School on Climate Model Development hosted by the MPI-M, Hamburg, Germany, 15-26 June 2015.

The School is open to graduate students and early career researchers in meteorology and associated fields. Please see the workshop website for more information and to apply:

DAMPT Summer School 2015: Fluid Dynamics of Sustainability and the Environment

DAMTP Summer School on Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics that ran from 1991-2006 resumed in 2012 in Cambridge. While it retains the basic features of the GEFD Summer School such as pedagogical lectures, laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, we have made several improvements to the school. In particular, the school is now a collaborative endeavour between DAMTP and Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, giving it a full international dimension.

OMDP mini workshop on forcing ocean and sea-ice models


G. Danabasoglu (NCAR, USA), W. Large (NCAR, USA), S. Griffies (GFDL, USA), P. Durack (LLNL, USA), J. Le Sommer (LEGI, France), B. Barnier (LEGI, France), A. M. Treguier (IFREMER, France), G. Madec (LOCEAN, France; NOC, UK), C. Boening (GEOMAR), A. Biastoch (GEOMAR, Germany), A. Andersson (DWD, Gemany), S. Gulev (MSK, Russia), K. Haines (U. Reading, UK), M. Valdiviseo (U. Reading, UK), M. Balmaseda (ECMWF), G. Nurser (NOC, UK), S. Josey (NOC, UK), H. Tsujino (MRI JMA, Japan), A. Pirani (CLIVAR)

