The End of the Rainbow - An Open Letter to the Community

 An open letter from a group of climate scientists ask for an end to the rainbow colour scale in climate science. The scientists, including NCAS's Ed Hawkins petitions the climate science community in a "A plea to you all to help rid climate science of colour scales that can distort, mislead and confuse. Colour scales that are often illegible to those who are colour blind."

A 2000 km Continuous Mission

The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) is launching a Polar Challenge to reward the first team able to send an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for a 2,000 kilometer mission under the sea-ice in the Arctic or Antarctic.

The aim is to stimulate the development of a sorely-needed monitoring tool for the Polar regions and ultimately to expand scientific research capabilities and climate services in both the Arctic and Antarctic. 

Highlights of the Global Drought Information System Workshop

The workshop, organised by CLIVAR and GEWEX, addressed the fact that there is currently no global, authoritative, and consistent information on drought that is easily accessible to all users, including real-time assessments of on-going drought and information on our understanding of the physical mechanisms and predictability of drought. The participants reviewed the physical mechanisms and predictability of drought world-wide, reviewed and discussed regional capabilities and needs versus global capabilities, and developed pilot projects as part of a limited duration, real-time demonstration of current GDIS capabilities.

Special session on IIOE-2 convened at the 26th IUGG General Assembly in Prague

Abstracts are welcomed to submitted to the special session on the 50th Anniversary of the Indian Ocean Expedition(IIOE-2) that will be convened during the  IAPSO symposium at the IUGG General Assembly in Prague during 26-30 June 2015 ( The details are available at

Workshop on Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean

The topic of the conference is the energy cycle in atmosphere and ocean. This includes the interaction of different dynamical regimes such as gravity waves, small-scale turbulence and geostrophic flow, new parameterisations, the formulation of consistent models, but extents also to new numerical methods and extreme climates. The workshop aims to bring together meteorology, physical oceanography, applied mathematics and astrophysics and is sponsored by University of Hamburg.

There is no fee required to attend.


