Recent slowing of Atlantic overturning circulation as a recovery from earlier strengthening

A new ocean ‘reanalysis’ shows, although there are uncertainties over what might happen in the short term, the longer-term view is that a weakening of the circulation in the 21st century is still very likely as a result of increasing greenhouse gases.

Happy World Ocean(s) Day

June 8 is World Oceans Day, designed to remind everyone of the major role the oceans have in everyday life and to celebrate together the beauty, wealth and promise of the ocean.  This year’s theme is “Healthy oceans, healthy planet”, with special emphasis on stopping plastic pollution.

Early Bird Registration closes 15 June

Early discount registration for the 2016 CLIVAR Open Science Conference “Charting the course for climate and ocean research” will close on June 15. This international meeting will take place September 18-25 in Qingdao, China and bring together community leaders and early career scientists to delve into the range of CLIVAR science topics. 
