CLIVAR OSC: Day 2 Highlights Climate Variability and Predictability

CLIVAR OSC participants gathered at the second day of the conference under the theme of “Climate Variability and Predictability.” The main theme for the plenary talks, parallel sessions, and posters were split into the timeframes of intraseasonal to interannual, decadal, and centennial to millennial. 

Scientific conference looks at the ocean in a warmer world

New research into the complex interactions between the ocean and the global climate – as evidenced by the recent super El Ni?o - will be examined at the Open Science Conference of World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Core Project on Climate and Ocean – CLIVAR, in Qingdao, China, from 18 – 25 September, 2016. 

Comment on the first Tropical Pacific Observing System in 2020 (TPOS 2020) Report

The TPOS 2020 project aims to rejuvenate and revamp the Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) to meet the observational, experimental, and operational needs of today and the future. Community feedback is now sought on the TPOS 2020 "First Report" (second and final reports will come in 2018 and 2020).
