Workshop-Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean 2017

The topic of the conference is the energy cycle in atmosphere and ocean. This includes the interaction of different dynamical regimes such as gravity waves, small-scale turbulence and geostrophic flow, new parameterisations, the formulation of consistent models, but extents also to new numerical methods, and other aspects of geophysical fluid dynamics and the climate system. 

JpGU-AGU Joint meeting on Climate variations in the Atlantic

The Atlantic Ocean is subject to pronounced climate variations that occur on a wide range of time scales. Atlantic multi-decadal variability (AMV) associated with the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation has long been known to have global impacts. In particular, AMV has been linked to changes in the Indian, Asian and South American summer monsoons, and also to changes in the Pacific associated with the "global hiatus".

12th Session of the CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel

Dates for YOPP-SH meeting are 28 (afternoon)-29 (morning) June 2017, and the CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel meeting will be joint with YOPP-SH on morning of 29 June then rest of 29-30 June for SORP business.

Alongside meetings: YOPP-SH meeting will be held on 28 June 2017; Antarctic Meteorological Observation, Modeling & Forecasting Workshop: 26-28 June 2017.

An open stakeholder consultation on the European Ocean Observing System is now open!

You are invited to take part in an open online consultation to help design a new framework for an integrated and sustained European Ocean Observing System, or EOOS.

The consultation will collect views from the European ocean observing community and wider stakeholders on what EOOS should look like and how it should be run. Your responses will be used to inform any decision-making about a future EOOS.
